The Southwestern Adventist University Residence Life Team is committed to enhancing student success by offering a vibrant living and learning community, 一个所有居民都感到安全和支持的地方. 以基督为我们的向导, 我们创造了一种促进校园参与的文化, 个人发展, 在一个温馨和包容的环境中精神成长.
We strive to accommodate the diverse needs of our residence hall residents through a clean, 舒适的, 当代生活空间, 以合理的价格提供优质的服务.
我们的菜单上有各种各样的菜, healthy options within a Lacto-Ovo vegetarian cuisine that includes vegan options and locally sourced fruits, 蔬菜, 坚果, 鸡蛋, 和蜂蜜. Accommodations can be made for those with food allergies through 残疾人服务.
你可以找到每日菜单 在这里.
All students living in residence halls on campus are required to have a meal plan.
骑士的市场 & 烧烤
骑士市场 & 烧烤提供各种热,新鲜准备的菜单项. It is especially popular for items such as burritos and made-to-order 冰沙. 骑士市场 & 烧烤 also offers a wide variety of 零食, candy, 和饮料.
The Department of 餐饮服务 provides catering and offers the rental of the cafeteria dining hall for banquets, 婚宴, 还有其他事件. 价格请联系主厨Espinosa,威尼斯官方网站登录 817-202-6296 或电子邮件 espinosam@laurelmountaintaxidermy.com